Decision-Making: The Art and Science

The following is an excerpt from our book, Pricing for Associations, available now on Amazon.

The art of pricing comes alive in the decision-making phase. While data provides a foundation, understanding strategic goals is paramount. Associations often face dilemmas—whether to implement a full price increase, strike a balance with retention, or defer until more value is added. This stage requires a nuanced approach, where data-driven insights meet the strategic vision of the association.

Pricing methodology in association management is a multifaceted endeavor, weaving together data-driven insights and strategic decision-making. Surveys, focus groups, and interviews are tools in this journey, each offering unique perspectives. The art lies in harmonizing these methodologies to achieve a pricing strategy that resonates with your audience, fosters value delivery, and steers the association toward sustained success.

Unveiling the Art of Pricing Psychology: Strategies for Associations

Pricing isn't just about numbers; it's a psychological dance. Associations need to be strategic in their approach, recognizing that pricing decisions influence perceptions of value. This article delves into psychology hacks that can elevate pricing strategies, covering aspects such as patience, discounting methodologies, and negotiation techniques.

1. Patience Pays Off: In the realm of association pricing, patience is indeed a virtue. Rushing to set a price or offering discounts prematurely can undermine the perceived value of your offerings. If the value proposition is robust, people will recognize it over time. Associations should resist the urge to rush and focus on communicating the inherent value to their audience.

2. Discount Methodology: Anchoring for Impact: When contemplating discounts, associations can leverage a powerful psychological principle known as anchoring. The strategy involves setting the initial price higher and then presenting a discount. This framing subtly influences how the discount is perceived. Instead of seeing it as a reduction, members perceive it as a gain or advantage, enhancing the perceived value.

3. Sponsorship Negotiation Hacks: The Power of "Yes, If": Negotiating sponsorship deals requires finesse, and associations can employ a strategic "Yes, If" approach. If a sponsor requests a discount, respond with a positive affirmation but attach conditions that involve adjusting the value proposition rather than reducing the price. This keeps the negotiation focused on aligning the value with the price, ensuring a fair exchange that benefits both parties.

Pricing psychology is a delicate interplay between perceived value and strategic decision-making. Associations that master the art of patience, employ anchoring in discounts, and use "Yes, If" negotiation tactics can navigate the intricacies of pricing with finesse. By understanding the psychology behind pricing, associations can ensure that their offerings are not only valued but also perceived as fair, fostering long-term sustainability and success.

Dr. Michael Tatonetti, CAE, CPP

Dr. Michael Tatonetti is a Certified Association Executive and Certified Pricing Professional on a mission to advance associations in their pricing models for financial sustainability. As a Strategic Consultant and Trainer, he works with associations to harmonize pricing and value across membership, education, sponsorship, events, and marketing.Dr. Michael is a proud Association Forum Forty Under 40 honoree for his dedication to the association field.

Navigating Change: Best Practices for Communicating Price Increases and Value Changes


The Art of Pricing Interviews for Associations